AUDIO - 6 Ways to Coach Yourself

Besides rebranding and migrating content, Design Your Success Podcast is on an indefinite hiatus. Enjoy the last episode we did during the pandemic.

“Resilience is very different than being numb. Resilience means you experience, you feel, you fail, you hurt. You fall. But, you keep going.”

 ― Yasmin Mogahed

It was a grey fall afternoon in Germany when I felt the fear but did it anyway.

Nervous but excited, I hit "publish" on episode #0 and launched my first podcast on September 30, 2014.

Back then, it was called Live By Design Radio, and it was born out of a need to serve my newsletter readers in an additional or alternative format besides the long text emails I wrote back then. Meanwhile, I started a 2nd show - Digital Content Podcast.

And although I no longer publish this show regularly (we call it podfading in the podcaster's world),  I recorded this episode to celebrate the anniversary and share helpful pointers in light of the current global crisis.

As a personal development coach and passionate about well-being, I believe with the right tools and support, we can pro-actively grow through these turbulent times instead of passively going through them. Self-compassion, mental wellness, and the ability to not give up are crucial during times of crisis and change. 

Tune in and discover six ways to self-coach yourself and develop your resilience skills as we continue to navigate uncertain waters. 

Takeaways mentioned in today's episode

1. Self Awareness - Taking an honest look at one's personal and professional life without attachment to anything being right or wrong. Not self-judgment.

2. Self Compassion - Showing understanding and kindness to one's self when hurting, feeling inadequate, or like a failure. Opposite of self-criticism.

3. Self Development - Taking steps to better one's self. Learning new skills, overcoming bad habits, and developing healthy routines. Not discrediting who you currently are.

4. Self Motivation - Having a healthy internal drive that helps you grow and keep moving when the temptation to quit comes. Your personal WHY is key to your resilience.

5. Self Care - Being deliberate about activities that nurture your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Taking care of one's needs is not selfish!

6. Self Validation - Cultivating the ability to recognize, confirm, or establish one's own worthiness, strengths, successes, progress, and efforts in a healthy way. Not arrogance or narcissism.

Enjoyed this episode? Check out past shows here.

